Our Story
“Every generation has to decide how to balance the needs of society with the needs of the natural ecosystems society relies on to thrive.”
What Drives Us
At Meliorate Partners, we are propelled by the core belief that we can do better. Here is what that means to us.
The history of the human race has always been one of innovation. Innovators have historically met the needs of their time by utilizing available information to bring forth incredible, transformative, and positive changes to our lives and the world. For most of these innovations, the assumption was they would not impact the environment, or that the tradeoffs of any negative impact were worth the improvements.
Our understanding of the world around us is now much more evolved. We now recognize the intricate interdependence between humans and our natural ecosystems, acknowledging the indispensable role of healthy natural environments in our prosperity.
To us, this new awareness means we need to reimagine our economy from the ground up…rethinking how we move, what we wear, where we live, what we eat, how we make things, and what we do with it all when it is used up or tossed aside.
As we say this, we are not blind to the economic and social realities this re-imagining requires. Solutions must be better, cheaper and/or faster. They need to drive job creation and replacement, not just job destruction. They need to be able to economically self-sustain, and not exist solely at the whims of the current political environment or the latest subsidy.
Anchored by this mission, Meliorate Partners is dedicated to discovering and supporting the innovators dreaming up solutions that replace, transition, or mitigate the consequences of past decisions. We act with a simple yet powerful principle: “replace where we can, transition where we must, and mitigate when we can’t do the first two."
Our mission extends beyond mere investment. We're part of a new movement of founders and investors, a community dedicated to re-imagining the economic landscape to prioritize harmony between our natural ecosystems and humanity, investing in a future where environmental sustainability and economic prosperity go hand in hand.